The Congress of Vienna
An analysis
write an essay on right to education act of how the Congress of Vienna largely restored the balance of power in Europe to pre-Napoleonic levels.
This paper looks at the Congress of Vienna which took place from September, 1814 to June, 1815, with the aim of stabilizing Europe after the fall of Napoleon I. It examines how the aim of the four major powers (England, Austria, Prussia and Russia) was to create political stability in the region and restore boundaries to those before Napoleon's conquests. In particular, it evaluates how the major powers were successful in their goal, although the clever manipulation of French diplomat Talleyrand gave France a much greater
write an essay on leadership role in the Congress than was likely intended by the major powers.
Talleyrand played a crucial role in the Congress, manipulating distrust between the Allies to the benefit of France. This was not an easy task, considering that England and France had long been enemies before the Congress of Vienna. Writes Nicholson of Napoleon's notorious hatred of England in the context of his defeat in Russia, three hundred and thirty thousand men of the Grande Armee lay hummocked in snow upon the plains of Russia, but (Napoleon) talked on only of further armies, further campaigns, and further victories. His voice at times was almost jubilant; at other moments it would rise or fall into the scream or snarl of hatred. One name alone (since as a rule he was mild about his enemies) would rouse these paroxysms of rancour. That name was England" (Nicolson, 6)."